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Happy Birthday, Craft Sale & Training Progress...(and a Rabbit)

Last week we celebrated Duke's first birthday! He is so loving, cute and smart. He was born on Halloween. I wanted to make sure he had a birthday picture but wasn't successful. Our tradition is to take a picture with the sparkly blue hat but Duke wasn't having it. So we ended up with the picture here and a bowl of ice cream.

In other news, we attended a craft sale this past weekend to raise money for Duke's training. We had great conversations and donations along with several purchases of quilted items at our booth. Snook slept in his bed in our booth most of the time with many people saying he was so cute and well-behaved. Since Duke doesn't have public access yet (since he is in training), he stayed at his "hotel" and got a great report card from the staff. If you are interested in supporting his training program, you can go to the HELP TRAIN DUKE tab on this blog page and make a donation. Any help is much appreciated.

Duke's training is continuing to progress and he is learning "place", "take nice", and "leave it". We are also working on consistency with the basic commands and slowly transitioning to sleeping outside of his crate at night. These activities are going well. However, there was one one exception where no commands would get through to him - he caught an adult rabbit in the yard and I had to wait him out because he was too proud of his catch to drop it. He carried it around for about an hour starting at 10:30pm on a weeknight. He finally got tired and I got it away from him. It was a full moon and he was practicing his "retriever" skills with some instinct mixed in.


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